Monday, January 13, 2025
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Special Occasion

Maya celebrating her 3rd Birthday

Happy 2nd Birthday Lilly!!

Luna 2014

Luna 2014

Bogart 2014






Tilly First Christmas

Sheldon Birthday


Tilly Trex as Bat Girl!
Halloween 2014

Tilly Trex as Bat Girl!
Halloween 2014

Munson went as eeyore
Halloween 2014

Munson went as eeyore
Halloween 2014



Daisy Mae

Daisy Mae

Amber with Ellie
Ellie 1st Birthday

Ellie packed up ready
to go out of town.

Ryan,Amber and Ellie
at Christmas 2012.

Ellie checking out her bone birthday cake

Cooper Martell Christmas 2012

Cooper Martell Christmas 2012

Sheldon doing some shopping

This picture is so sweet with
Isabella and Sheldon

Makenzie and Addison

Diggy Moss

Sheldon with his bow tie

Sophie wants to know what is in her stocking.

Sophie checking out her stocking

Bethany & Auggie

Auggie telling Santa what he wants for Christmas

Bethany took Auggie to see Santa

Auggie telling Santa what he wants for Christmas.

Sophie Sutton




Sophie Sutton

Ridley going fishing with his friend.

Happy Halloween Bogart 2012

Happy Halloween Sophie 2012

Sophie found her bone Sheldon playing in the back yard and in the pool!
Sheldon loves long summer nights at the dog park! Sheldon loves the dog park!
UpDated 5-10-2012

Gizmo 2nd Birthday Sophie~ Beach Babe!!
Happy 4th of July from Sophie :)

Our Special Occasion Gallery is for our Happy Families to send us their special occasion pictures like birthday, holiday pictures, vacation and just any special occasion picture.



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 We are not affiliated with any other breeders or sponsors.